Episode originally released on Oct. 1, 2021. For more episodes of The Retro Wave Podcast, go to retrotiburon.com or find The Retro Wave on all podcast apps.
El Tiburon, Mr. Tight White, Tylord and Zomberry rank their all-time favorite horror movies. El Tiburon also puts the guys to the test, with a game of "Name that Horror Movie".
El Tiburon's Social Media
@RetroTiburon (Instagram, Tik Tok, Twitch, and Twitter)
Mr. Tight White's Youtube channels
Mr. Tight White (Game hunting and horror movie live streams)
Dvdeez Nuts & Popcorn (Vlogs and movie pick-ups)
Tylord's Youtube channel
Tylord Stevenson (movie and video game pick-ups, unboxings, game reviews)
Intro and outro music is courtesy of the band, Ter Nura.